(Burger King - Virginia Beach, VA - summer 2019)


"Inspiring basketball video, that I recall watching over a decade ago..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Michael Jordan - How Quickly They Forget (MJ vs Lebron) - YouTube (my favorite part is 0:00-0:37)


"I had formerly remarked on Twitter (in a deleted post) that a different shirt of mine (green and collared)... was giving me issues with car beeping outside (which has ceased for quite some time)... Correlation does not necessarily imply causation... but I am certain there is a logical, but eerie explanation... for what I had to endure for my first 9 months (in East Orange, NJ)... and then some..." - Michael Izuchukwu



4:43 PM (2/6/22): "Interesting video, of a scene from the movie 'The Devil Wears Prada'... The song is one that I listened to often, during the time I had been walking around... in Virginia Beach, VA (summer of 2019)..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

❥~ The devil wears prada Scene - Vogue~❥ - YouTube


4:29 PM (2/6/22): 
"I am kind of feeling like the wizard, at 0:25 in this video... at present (focused, but stern)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Illusionist (2006) Opening Scene | Young Eisenheim and Sophie's Story - YouTube


"Some flavorful chicken, with pea-topped rice... was just served for dinner, at my dominion..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

(photo from 4:01 PM, on 2/6/22)


4:13 PM (2/6/22): "I was at a Forman Mills, around 2:30 PM today... I acquired a couple shirts; one was too small... Nevertheless, I snapped a photo with the one that fit (neon-yellow)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(photo from 3:22 PM, on 2/6/22)


1:04 PM (2/6/22): "A nice video, of Florentina Lusco at the European Indoor Championships (in Glasgow, Scotland)... for the long jump... The music is captivating, evoking of someone who is slowly ascending... after various trials and tribulations..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Florentina Iusco - Long Jump | 2019 European Indoor Championships - YouTube


12:53 PM (2/6/22): 
"I watched this video a lot, in 2018... Such gave me inspiration, regarding matters of the spirit (emotion)... which take precedence, over those of the world (material)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Disney: The 90's Supercut - YouTube 


12:47 PM (2/6/22): "Life is a test, to see what is done... with the given time... The notion that a human is thrust involuntarily into such, at a point of origin... and then must depart, unexpectedly... surely is an indication that the next stage of existence, is more voluntary... than the former... Isaac Newton's third law of motion, attests that for every action... there is an equal and opposite reaction, so this sentiment is supported... in a sense, by that principle..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Neil deGrasse Tyson: I Don't Fear Death | Larry King Now | Ora.TV - YouTube 


12:19 PM (2/6/22): "A video I filmed at 8:56 AM today, after briefly contemplating... about the scope, of the cosmos..." - Michael Izuchukwu

In the parking lot, of the Althea Gibson Academy... at 8:56 AM, on 2/6/22 - YouTube


5:46 PM (2/5/22): "There is no greater testimony on behalf of God's existence, than that of Jesus Christ... who is the redeemer of humanity, regarding their sins... Without Jesus' presence in the world, barbarism and lawlessness may have deterred any technological developments, that humans now have the luxury... of utilizing..." - Michael Izuchukwu




5:37 PM (2/5/22): "Across the globe, billions of people have different interpretations... of the word 'God,' based off whether or not they are theist, polytheist or atheist... There is a difference between objectivity (seeing things as they are) and subjectivity (seeing things from one's own reference frame, in an opinionated capacity)... Regarding 'god,' there is a 'universal solution' to that term's definition... as opposed to an appeal, to some higher power... without valid context..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Blood Diamond - "God Left This Place A Long Time Ago" - YouTube 


5:09 PM (2/5/22): "There is a spectrum of growth and development, in the life of human beings... Once a plateau is reached, one can actively continue to progress or regress; a human enters this world alone, and leaves such in a similar fashion... although one's exact point of origin and departure, are unknown... Along the way, one typically cultivates relationships with others... beginning with his/her immediate family, and such serves as a foundation... upon which certain ideals, are striven for..." - Michael Izuchukwu

THE FEYNMAN SERIES - The Key To Science (ft Joan Feynman) - YouTube 


4:26 PM (2/5/22): "Perhaps any sufficiently advanced, extraterrestrial civilization... adheres to a certain pattern of behavior, for the sake of survival... Likely, if the cosmos is populated with other beings from other worlds... it is a matter of 'natural selection,' that accounts for why some species of organisms... have herd-like mentalities, realizing that there are many unknowns... in the cosmic forest, we occupy..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

Carl Sagan explains why aliens are not visiting us all the time - YouTube


3:45 PM (2/5/22): "Heaven is either on a different plane of existence, or somewhere in the cosmos... beyond the reach, of humans (a distant galaxy, perhaps, given that there are 'gaps' between galaxies)... If humans were to live on other planets in the universe, they would need a replenishable food supply... which makes one question, if there is anything edible... on other worlds... the context of the aforementioned, some diets are more aligned with those who seek to be versatile, with their resiliency... in a myriad of climates, even though they may not be of another world... Nevertheless, simple steps precede... the grander ones... and dietary efficiency for those who are physically fit, may be a reflection of spiritual fortification..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Alien Planets Revealed - A Nova Science 2014 Doc. - YouTube (0:00-0:28)



3:10 PM (2/5/22): "When I was a Rice University student (2008-2010), I recall seeing cinnamon rolls in the South servery (Hanszen-Wiess).... from time to time... but I never ate any of them, until after departing from that school (years later)... I do like them a bit, but such just indicates that some tastes and preferences... are developed, over time..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Chef Roger and his legendary cinnamon rolls - YouTube

3:16 PM (2/5/22): 

(a tasty cinnamon roll, from the past...)


 "Some golden Oreo's, from 2:53 PM today (2/5/22) 



12:04 PM (2/5/22): "In physics, a vector has magnitude and direction... I often think of humans as vectors, moving through spacetime... and there are many variables, which account for the respective strength of each one... a human has... Variables, that are in accordance with the spirit, mind and body..." - Michael Izuchukwu

4th Dimension Tesseract, 4th Dimension Made Easy Carl Sagan - YouTube 

12:07 PM (2/5/22): "Regarding spirituality, such relates to emotions and morality/ethics, and one who understands the implications of such... will not feel 'weighed down' by the burden of guilt... that is often intertwined with sin... ...regarding the mind (intellect), education is a pathway... for many forms, of liberation... Knowledge has been affiliated with power, but there is a difference between such... and imagination... 

...the body (physicality), is much more tangible... than the former two constructs..." - Michael Izuchukwu


11:59 AM (2/5/22): "I arrived at the Ramada hotel, of East Orange, NJ, at 5:30 PM yesterday... and left around 7 AM, this morning... Sometimes, one has to spend his/her time... in certain spaces (for a period of time), so that when one emerges... one is on a 'higher plane of functioning,' in the context of a human's 'progression through spacetime'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:53 AM (1/31/22): "Beginning in early 2020 or so, I began filming a number of videos... with myself included, narrating what was transpiring in my reality... Over time, I believe I have developed that skillset... so, in a sense... such was practice, for the perfecting of my 'public speaking' abilities... in a sense..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:57 AM (1/31/22): "I would practice more with the 'Microsoft Speech Services' tool... but given I live with an annoying roommate, who keeps talking to himself... I will have to just retain the knowledge, that I have talent with that functionality... Nevertheless, one may find that using such is more difficult than it may seem; there is a connection between the mind and the hands, that contrasts with that of the mind and the voice..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Michael Izuchukwu (u/pods77) - Reddit


7:47 AM (1/31/22): "According to Blaise Pascal's wager, if one believes in God then one generally has less to lose than when one does not... I will attest that such is something that people should contemplate, when assessing the implications of whether or not it is truly valid... to live a life of spirituality..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

NOTE: "There is a tool I just discovered, called 'Microsoft Speech Services'... and that prior paragraph was typed... via the usage of my voice... I believe there are benefits to the tool, if one is a very efficient typist and orator... but prolonged usage for one who is not, could result in the deterioration... of his/her typing skills..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:19 PM (1/30/22): "Can we therefore conclude, that humans are more concerned with having... than being...?" - Dr. Samuel Norman

"The implications of this statement, hint at the notion that certain plateaus of existence... cannot be reached, without a great deal of sacrifice..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Speech of Professor Samuel Norman (Lucy 2014) Full HD & EngSub - YouTube


5:43 PM (1/30/22): "The steps one takes on the path to either heaven or hell, are cumulative ('they add up, over time')... and they have to be taken, correctly... to arrive at either destination... There are examples which have been set (in history), regarding those who have delighted in righteousness as opposed to wickedness... ...seeing certain dividends, which are not necessarily monetary... but of great value (Moses, for instance)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Professor Norman meets Lucy | Lucy | Screen Bites - YouTube

5:50 PM (1/30/22): "Even though Moses lived in a time, that was at least a couple millennia before that of Jesus Christ... he was able to ascertain there was distinction, between 'right and wrong'... Such is what led him on a quest of self-discovery, after leaving his brother, Ramses... and wandering through the wilderness... for 40 days..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Prince Of Egypt - Moses Kills A Man - YouTube


5:30 PM (1/30/22): "The principle of 'natural progression,' is reflected in smooth transitions... for stages in life, regarding development and events (for instance)... There is a boundary between the spirit and material realms; the former is not as tangible or concrete (such can be sensed)... and the latter is discernible with human sight, which one navigates... There are many steps that must be taken, for certain checkpoints along the spectrum from the material to the spirit... to be passed..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(Superman, walking across ice)


5:26 PM (1/30/22): "A nice tune, I recently discovered... There are those who are spiritually cognizant, while others are not... Such can heavily influence, one's decision making... and the steps one takes, regarding the fulfillment... of his/her endeavors..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Else Walker - YouTube


5:18 PM (1/30/22): "Agreed, Backpack Dude... The road of life, is filled with trials and tribulations... Nevertheless, the summation of those ordeals... is a measure by which one's virtues will be assessed, by Jesus Christ.... on Judgment Day..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:17 PM (1/30/22):

"Well said..." - Backpack Dude 


5:14 PM (1/30/22): "If one walks in spiritual darkness, one cannot possibly hope to optimize one's odds... of gaining entry, to heaven..." - Michael Izuchukwu

“For it is not the Father who judges a man, but he has given all judgment… to the Son…” - John 5:22

[this biblical passage sheds light on Judgment Day, and how the Holy Trinity (God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit) plays a role... in such]

Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Talents - YouTube 


3:28 PM (1/30/22): "Sometime after getting a notice about a potential 'pending otolaryngology residency' at Emory (via e-mail, in the Spring of 2020)... I began to work on my 'Theory of Dimensional Limitation,' more actively... Personally, I believe there is a connection between the spirit and the mind, which takes precedence over that... between the mind and the body... Perhaps, if everything had 'panned out' as intended... I may have branched off into neurology or neurosurgery (in residency)... in some capacity..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(Vanguard Crossing apartment, University City MO - 10/11/20 at 5:57 PM)

Saw 3(2006) /John's brain surgery / Movie Clip - YouTube


2:12 PM (1/30/22): "In the context of humans' technological development (a reflection of 'innovation and intellect'), in relation to their moral development (via spirituality and culture)... one begins to question the potential of our species, with respect to our place in the cosmos... when confronted by the challenges our world has faced, since the time of Jesus Christ (around 2,000 years ago)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Hazy - Cosmos - YouTube


7:37 AM (1/30/22): "What is mankind's ultimate destiny? To populate the cosmos, and venture far... to the endless stars...? Or is it something more, something grander? Growth and expansion are thematic aspects, of the human existence... but given such is fleeting and temporary, in the scope of the universe's age... such leads one to conclude, that heaven is surely not out there in the cosmos... but rather, out there... on some higher 'plane'..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

 Gundam Wing Endless Waltz OVA: Heero Yuy's dream - YouTube
